Start time: 11.05am
End time: 2.06pm
Total play time: 3 hr 1 min
Accumulate play time: 26 hr 28 min
Got my other writing and the beach done so back to the realm of Skyrim again.
Fast travel to Cronvangr Cave to check it out again but probably not high level enough
A lot of frostbite spiders...but they are vulnerable to fire, so still manageable
Need to wait till magic filled up again. Cos fire magic is really useful here.
Hm should I go into the Broodlair? Maybe save first...
Got attacked by Giant Frostbite Spider! Roast!!!!!!!!
Oh ok you can mine Moonstone Ore from this place but I don't have a pickaxe for this
Oh the area is cleared. Back to Skyrim and of course it is night time again...haya so boring!
Saw another Mammoth. Will sneak pass it.
Got attacked by a pack of wolves and a sabre cat. Nearly failed but Faendal finally turns up!
Oh arrived at an outpost that only orcs are allowed. They are talking about Malacoth
Ok that outpost is called Narzulbur
Discovered Cragwallow Slope (supposedly my destination for Onmund's request)
Discovered Mzulft. Faendal said it looks like a Dwarf ruin
Discovered Eastmarch Imperial Camp
Did some smithing but don't have the appropriate axe to do wood chopping
Discovered Ansilvund
Got ambushed by some conjurers. Freaking mages! Used my familiar against their familiars while hacking them to death!
Yay got pickaxe!
Ok Faendal doesn't like the look of that excavation site...
Got ambushed by BOTH mages and zombies. What the? My familiar got killed quite quickly too! Need to back up and heal! Lesser Ward up and hack the mage. Shield bash the zombies! So Chaotic!!!
Phew! Survived the ordeal.
Haya another wave of ambush from mages and sick of it
Shit they killed Faendal. Need to reload.
Here we go again. Will just drink a lot of magic potion and keep conjuring my familiar to help out.
Ok one mage left, will just shield bash him and hack him to death.
Finally done. So exhausting.
At least got the tome of spark and learnt the lightning spell
Level up! I am now a Level 12 Imperial male
Found enchantment table and trying enchantment again
Finally understand I need to destroy a magic item to get enchantment to another object
Destroy a helm thing and then add it to my steel armour for better magic regeneration.
Obtained "Artificer" trophy
Also found out certain enchantment can only be attached to certain interesting
Enchantment also went up to 23!
Did a few more and now Enchantment is 26!
Got ambushed by zombies. Roasted them all!
Another ambush! Survived again...just barely
Another puzzle. Solved! Reading stuff in this game is indeed helpful.
And Faendal of course have to step on the trap LOL
Entering the burial chamber
Lockpicked a gate after losing a few lockpicks. Lockpick now 23
Haya the chest inside is expert level lock. Running out of annoying
More traps. This place is starting to really pissing me off....
Read "Sun's Down Book Two of 2920 The Last year of the Frist Era by Carlovac Townway" Illusion increased to 16
Lockpicked another chest and now Lockpick is 24
Ok an expert gate. I don't know whether I can do this anymore. Losing all my lockpicks
Why is Faendal always following rules instead of jumping down ledges like I do? LOL
Asked him to train me in my Archery. Now it is 25
Ok will head back since I could not go further. Which is a pity
So uneventful this time....
Got attacked by a bear again. The whole "bears don't attack unless provoked" is so bull
Well at least I Level up. Now I am a Level 13 Imperial male.
Discovered Tolvald's Cave
I think that's all for today. Pretty tired now.
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Spiders are ugly so they must die in all fantasy RPGs |
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